Economy Tips


Driving a car will never be totally environmentally friendly, but there are a whole host of simple changes you can make to help keep fuel bills down. As well as having your vehicle tuned by Paramount Performance to improve its fuel consumption and MPG, here are some other simple tips to ensure your vehicle runs at its optimum fuel efficiency:


  • Accelerate too hard – it wastes up to 60% more fuel
  • Travel during rush hour or at congested times as this will increase fuel emissions
  • Take too many short trips, especially from cold. A cold engine will generally use twice as much fuel as a warm engine.
  • Drive too fast. Going at 80mph on the motorway will use between 10% and 20% more fuel than doing 70mph.


  • Check tyre pressure at least once every 2 weeks. Under-inflated tyres can increase fuel consumption by 3%.
  • Lose weight. Take items out of your car that you won’t need for a particular journey.
  • Make the most of every journey by fitting in as many tasks as you can. Getting three jobs done in one trip instead of making three trips will save you time, money and fuel.

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