Jaguar XF 4.2 Tuning and Jaguar XF Remap Tuning
Jaguar XF 4.2 Tuning will deliver between 38-42bhp
Paramount’s Jaguar XF Tuning and Jaguar XF Remapping can be carried out at many locations across the UK and around the world.
Unlike many tuning service providers. Paramount operate a 4×4 3000bhp rolling road. So the tuning is measured, tested and developed. You are certainly not left thinking, ” well it feels a bit faster, I think” you will now exactly what power and performance has been delivered. And, you will also know your engine is in good strong healthy condition. Producing the power it should for you to enjoy.

Our Jaguar XF 4.2 Tuning and ecu remapping is completely custom, with each XF remap being written live to your vehicle, the Jaguar XF tuning can take account of your XF’s modifications, i.e. Paramount Jaguar XF performance exhaust systems, or sports catalytic convertors as well as your driving requirements and fuel grade.
And if you are looking for a little more power from your Jaguar. The 4,2 supercharged engine responds incredibly well to the combination of a performance remap and supercharger upgrade. The paramount smaller 4.2 supercharger pulley will boost your performance and power to a whole new level. Adding more midrange pull, throttle response and power access the whole rev range
That pesky speed limiter can be removed at the same time, so when you have the chance in a safe environment. You can really let that V8 out to play.
Worldwide mail order is available. And tax free sales to most locations too if you cant get into an approved Paramount installer. The tune at home system may be of interest. So you can tune your Jaguar at home yourself, with our full support.
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